You're Invited
The Springfield Garden Club endeavors to meet monthly during our program year. Each monthly meeting includes a light luncheon, informative (and fun) program, and an exciting raffle.
Most programs are open to the public and guests for a fee of $5. We meet in person at Forest Park (in the Carriage House at the Barney Estate or the Old Monkey House) on Fridays at 11:30AM.
Scroll down to view details of our upcoming events.
Masks are optional. Attendees at indoor, in-person functions are encouraged to wear masks if they have any personal health concerns.
Thank you for your cooperation as we strive to keep our community safe and healthy.
Sunday, January 26 - 2:00 PM
Sunday, February 9 Sunday 2:00 PM
February 23 2:00 PM
SGC Winter Workshops
"Beauty & Joy for Every Season"
At the Old Monkey House in Forest Park
Sunday, January 26 will kick off the series with “Some of the Best Perennials and Shrubs for Seasonal Interest: Spring, Summer, Fall, and even WINTER!” Wondering what to plant? How to layer for the best effect? This hands-on workshop has you evaluating a wide variety of new and tried-and-true plants for the unique needs of YOUR yard. Led by Nalini Benoit, Assistant Manager at Sixteen Acres Garden Center, and Vana Nespor, District Director, Garden Club Federation of MA.
Sunday, February 9 is "Trees that Bring Joy all Year Long" Looking to plant and care for a small tree that you will enjoy year-round? Learn which small trees bring joy to you and the wildlife around you, where best to place them, and how to ensure they survive in our changing climate. Led by Alex Sherman, Certified Arborist, Tree Warden, and City Forester for Springfield, MA.
Sunday, February 23 is "Landscaping for Year-Round Beauty" Want to enjoy your garden more in the spring, summer, fall, and winter? Learn how to design a garden that showcases vibrant color and fascinating textures that make it shine in every season. Led by Anja Duffy, Registered Landscape Architect.
$10 per program.
Free to SGC Club Members (donation requested). Registration required.
Proceeds to help build the Conservatory at Forest Park.
February 21, 2025 11:30AM
Beneficial Late Winter Garden Chores
This presentation should be very timely as we undertake our late winter gardening tasks. Melissa Pace, Master Gardener, will join us to discuss topics including pruning, cutting back roses, soil testing, fixing damaged hardscapes, sharpening and oiling tools, and planning spring gardening projects.
A graduate of the Master Gardener class of 2003, Melissa has 5+ years of experience teaching in a public school setting and is a garden educator for the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.
Presenter: Melissa Pace
Members and Guests will meet at the Carriage House at the Barney Estate in Forest Park.
March 21, 2025 11:30AM
Bulbs to Plant in Spring for Summer and Fall Bloom
Kathi Gariepy is a Lifetime Master Gardener with the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association, past Vice President of the MMGA, past chair of the Master Gardener Advisory Board, past and present president of the Attleboro Garden Club. The recipient of multiple awards and currently the chair of the Attleboro Conservation Commission. Kathi join us to offer her wisdon and insights about what, why and how to plant bulbs in Spring to enjoy bright, colorful blooms in Summer and Fall.
Presenter: Kathi Gariepy
Members and Guests will meet at the Carriage House at the Barney Estate in Forest Park.
April 25, 2025 11:30AM
"Greeting the Spring" Teatime
Members and Invited Guests Only
It’s time for tea!! Members are invited to bring their own teacups and don their Spring finery to enjoy a full tea service at The Carriage House with traditional tea-time nibbles accompanied by coffee and tea served by club members from our prized silver service.
SGC Members will create and bring their unique floral interpretation of “Spring in a Teacup” as the petite centerpiece of their teatime luncheon table. Each will explain the techniques and unique approaches used to capture the feel of spring in this tiny space.
Presenter: SGC Club Members
Members and Guests will meet at the Carriage House at the Barney Estate in Forest Park.
May 16, 2025 11:30AM
Annual Meeting and Luncheon
Members and Invited Guests Only
Celebrating a year of success, growth and friendship. A festive luncheon will be the setting for the Springfield Garden Club to review the past year, meet our scholarship winners, elect new officers, and enjoy a display of results from our November Winter Sowing monthly luncheon program.
Presenters: SGC Club Members
Members and Honored Guests will meet in the Tent at the Carriage House at the Barney Estate in Forest Park.
May 31, 2025 9:00AM-Noon
Annual Plant Sale
Everyone Welcome
A spring tradition and the major fundraiser for our scholarship fund, the Plant Sale offers a wide selection of perennials, annuals, trees, and shrubs from members’ gardens and garden centers, along with a vintage garden boutique and sale of prime plants.
Rain or Shine in the Old Monkey House in Forest Park