Plant Sale

Committee Chairs: Janet Dolder, Beate Bolen

Sharing Our Passion

One of our most anticipated annual events, the Plant Sale is an amazing opportunity to support our scholarship recipients.  This committee solicits donations from local garden centers and members, organizes display areas, schedules volunteers and handles customer sales.  It is a busy and rewarding couple days!!

2024 Annual Plant Sale- Scholarship Fundraiser

(Please note we are at a new location this year):


Our Plant Sale is the club’s major fundraiser of the year, and it provides the primary support for the scholarship we award to one or more deserving students each year.

It will be held this year on Saturday June 1, from 9 a.m. till noon, at Forest Park, in the old Monkey House. Set-up is on Friday May 31, from 9 a.m. till noon. There will be a sign-up sheet circulating at the April & May meetings, asking for your help that week-end. If you don’t get around to signing up, please come anyway, we can use the help.

Entrance: Please use the entrance on Trafton Road


But if you are a gardener, we really need your plants!  We have many new members who we hope won’t be shy about offering their garden plants at this sale. We ask that people label and price their plants before dropping them off on Friday morning between 9 and 11. If you don’t feel up to doing this, there will be help available at the drop off.


Potting: The jumping worms are still out there! If you think you have them on your property, we suggest buying a sterile potting mix for potting up your plants. Pro Mix is available at 16 Acres and Browns.


Labeling: Include the common name, and some details to help identify where best to plant; e.g. sun or shade, height, color etc. You can put the price on the opposite of your information label. You can use plastic or wooden labels. Take a look at local nurseries to see what they are charging for similar plant or sinilar plant sizes.  


Pricing: While you’re out visiting nurseries, make note of the cost of plants and price the plants you’re contributing at around 25% lower than retail price.

Those who sign up to be cashiers and workers on Saturday are asked to be there by 8:30a.m. Customers will be lined up to start the sale at 9 on the dot!


Attached is a flyer for our Plant Sale.  Please feel free to share it, and hang it up at your libraries, grocery stores, church bulletin boards, and anywhere else you think will help people know about our sale.

We understand that many members are not able to contribute in any material way, but if you wish to make a (much appreciated) donation you can send a check made out to the Springfield Garden Club, noting that it is for the Plant Sale, and send it to our Treasure, Mary Bandouveres.

If you have any questions or need help feel free to contact Beate,  413 306 5454 or Janet, 413-273-1031.


Here are some items we will need and hope you can offer to lend. If you have some we can use, please let us know.


Plant Sale Flyer